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    Steam Injection System
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    Steam Injection System
    Name: Steam Injection System
    Purpose: The system is designed to inject a certain amount of steam into the upper and lower surfaces of the slab before it enters the press. The goal is to increase the temperature of the slab and change the conductivity of the wood, thereby shortening the curing time and increasing the production capacity of the production line.The system is designed to inject a certain amount of steam into the upper and lower surfaces of the slab before it enters the press. The goal is to increase the temperature of the slab and change the conductivity of the wood, thereby shortening the curing time and increasing the production capacity of the production line.The system is designed to inject a certain amount of steam into the upper and lower surfaces of the slab before it enters the press. The goal is to increase the temperature of the slab and change the conductivity of the wood, thereby shortening the curing time and increasing the production capacity of the production line.
    Characteristics and principles:

    •15-30% increase in production capacity

    • lmproved board density profile, with an increase in particular in surface density

    •Less pressure required at continuous press infeed, resulting in less wear on the chains and steel belt

    •No condensation spots on the mat thanks to the special lMAL patent

    • Glassy surface suitable for lacquering.

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    Visits:185 Date:2024-11-22
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